Wednesday, June 6, 2012

All Types Of Variables in OBIEE

Mainly, There are two types of variables in OBIEE.
1. Presentation  Variables

Presentation  Variable  is the only variable offer by the presentation service, used to pass value between dashboard prompt and to set some filter in Presentation Services.You can set it with the help of the dashboard prompt which will then take the data type of the presentation column.The scope of a presentation variable depends of the prompt scope. The prompt scope may be dashboard or page. If we select score of prompt as dashboard then the variable will be available in all pages of dashboard. Whereas if we select scope as page, then the variable will be available in the same page.

Server-Side variables are create and initialize in Repository. There are two types in this :
1. Repository variables
2. Session Variables.

A repository variable has a single value at any point in time, I.e., holds the same value across all sessions. Repository variables can be used instead of literals or constants.

There are two types of repository variables:
1.  Static  Repository Variables
2. Dynamic Repository Variables.

A session variable is a variable that is initialized at login time for each user. When a user begins a session, the Oracle BI Server creates a new instance of a session variable and initializes it.
There are as many instances of a session variable as there are active sessions on the Oracle BI Server. Each instance of a session variable could be initialized to a different value.
There are two types of session variables:
1. System session variable
2. Non-System session variable.

To read more about these variables Click Here.

A request variable is a variable that is used to temporarily override the value of a session variable.It is defined within the Presentation Services. A request variable name should not match that of a repository variable or a security system session variable(we cant override values of variables like USER, GROUP, LOGLEVEL etc.).  To read more about request variables Click Here.