On a default installation OBIEE runs on web port 9704.
Eg : http://nws1018:9704/analytics/saw.dll?Answers
If you want to run the webservice on different portnumber or even better from the default port 80, then follow with the below steps.
Step 4: Save and close the file.
Eg : http://nws1018:9704/analytics/saw.dll?Answers
If you want to run the webservice on different portnumber or even better from the default port 80, then follow with the below steps.
Step 1 : Navigate to your OC4J config directory.
Step 2 :Open the file named default-web-site.xml
Note : Before doing any changes to this file, better take a backup of this file.
Step 3 : Locate port in <web-site> tag and change it to 80(port="80").
Step 4: Save and close the file.
Step : Stop and Start the your OC4J.
Now you can run Presentation Services on port number 80.
Eg : http://nws1018:80/analytics/saw.dll?Answers